
Zootopia stories: What happened to Nick? part 3

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carloscraft27's avatar

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"Judy arrives at Gary's apartment and rings the bell"

Judy: Hi! Mr. Simons? I'm the official Hopps of the ZPD I'm prucking a fox named Nicolas Wilde he's my friend and another ZPD officer, I have a witness who nodded who saw his car minutes before he disappears

"Gary opens the door"

Gary: Look, you do not know what happened, just stay away from me and you'll be fine.

Judy: as? what are you talking about? I'm just looking for my friend Nick

Gary: Does not speak his name

"Gary gets upset and closes the door"

Judy: Please help me, he's my best friend and I'm afraid some bad happened to him

"No one answers and Judy walks away."

Wait (Gary opens the door) I'll help you

"Minutes later Judy was sitting on a waiting wooden chair Gary in the living room"

Gary: Do you want some tea?

Judy: No, thank you

Gary: Well you want to know, I'll tell you what happened. (Gary put a chair in front of Judy and sits down) Nick and I had been best friends ever since we were kids, We met in 4th grade at school and until today we are best friends, (Gary started to laugh a little) when we were kids Nick and I created our own packs, I was the snow wolf and he was the fox thousand note, People like the same thing, medieval knights, even on halloween we were dressed as medieval knights, I was the iron and he the gold

Judy: So that's how they met, thank you for telling me and now you can tell me what happened

Gary: Oh, I'm sorry, I just wanted to talk to you as we got bored, and I ended up dodging speech, so it happened, I, Bob, Hanry, and Dennis wanted to do a little bit with Nick and we followed him and after he left the club and He got tired of his other friend, we started


"The black car gets lost Nick and when Nick realizes that he was being followed he starts to run more the car reaches Nick and a bears opens the door and put Nick inside the car"

Nick: what! What's going on, look, I'm from the police and thousands of cops are coming to you.

Gary: (Gary speaking in a thicker voice) It's okay, we'll just make you sleep ... with the fish


Gary: (Gart continued with the thick voice) can scream as much as anyone wants to hear you

Nick: Please do not kill me there's so much that I did not do in life I never got married, I never had children, I never jumped from a parachute, and other things I did not do (Nick starts crying) I who will remember me

Gary: Well ... I'll remember you (gary looks at Nick and starts talking in his normal voice) why this was EPIC!

Nick: Oh gary, your heartless stink good to see you friend

Gary: You should have your face when we said we were going to kill you, it was crazy.

Nick: Okay, what do you want?

Gary: Let's go to my house and we talk, it's been a long time since I've seen you. I want to know how your work is going, your life and everything.

Nick: Ok, let's go

Gary: I'm just going to leave the people in their homes and I'll take you to me.

"Back to reality"

Judy: And... wha happened

Gary: I left the guys in their house and parked my car in the entrance of the nick I left and waited in the house I park the car in the garage

"Back to flashback"

"Gary parks the car in the garage and enters the house."

Gary: Look Nick, you had to see your face, it was priceless.

"Gary did not hear anything and headed to the kitchen."

Gary: Nick? You are going Nick?

"Gary enters the kitchen and Nick appears behind the wall and gives Gary a fright."

Nick: HAHAHA TAKE THAT GARY HAHAHA wants to scare me? I always give the change in remembrance HAHAHA

Gary: Hahaha sent well, look I'm just going to change and then I'll give it to you, okay?

Nick: okay

"Gary changed his suit into a white blouse, a green plaid shirt and casual trousers, after switching Gary from the stairs"

Gary: Ready Nick, (no one answers) Nick?

"Gary hears sounds of growls coming from the kitchen"

Gary: Look, Nick, this is not funny anymore.

"When Gary walks into the kitchen he walks in and sees Nick on all fours looking at him and growling"

Gary: Wow, this is good, Nick, stop this.

"Nick starts walking slowly toward Gary."

Gary: Hahaha very funny, deserves a prize for this performance Nick

"Nick starts to growl louder and take his claws out"

Gary: Nick! It's no longer fun, stop it.

"Nick jumps over Gary wants to hold him"

Gary: Nick?

"Nick tries in all ways attacks Gary"


"Nick can bite Gary's arm, and then Gary takes Nick off him and throws him out the window and the window breaks"

Gary: This one does not (Gary runs out to the window) NICK! (Gary see Nick still live growling at him) Nick? (Nick still of four legs leaves run by the marten and disappears)

"End of flashback"

"Judy wordlessly looks at Gary who was beginning to cry"

Gary: I ... I do not know ... what ... happened to him, more than one thing I know. That was not him because he would never attack me that way

Judy: Did you see a blue spot on his neck?

Gary: Do you think it was the Night Howlers?

Judy: Well no doubt it was them

Gary: It was not the Night Howlers, there was nothing on his neck and all the windows were closed until when I came back they were still closed, hey, that's not Nick anymore and if it's going to happen the same thing happens in the case of Night Howlers

Judy: Wait ... I know it was, Bellwether.

to be continued
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Spino2Earth's avatar
And this is the reason i hate sheep!